Monday, March 8, 2010

Lutheran Schools Week of Prayer

Dear Everyone,

Thanks for stopping by and checking things out. I hope the pictures and stories are exciting, fun, and relevant for you. Below I have a "schedule" which our church is holding to this week. Sunday kicked off "Lutheran Schools Week" and we are celebrating by having a week of prayer.

You see, we have a school. We are a Lutheran church-school. But also, we have children and grandchildren within the congregation. So, we as a church body decided to partcipate in Lutheran Schools Week by involving the congregation as much as possible.

We know that praying and asking people to pray is difficult. (This itself is something we probably need to work on - is it REALLY all that strange and difficult to pray: to pray for, be prayed for, ask for prayer..????). Give it some thought and consider the power and community that comes from prayer time.

Yes, many people do one of two kinds of praying:

1.) in their room with closed doors and no distractions/embarrassment (this is supported in the Bible, Matthew 6:5-15 - v.6 "go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen.")

2.) in the church, with the congregation, where they don't have to speak outloud. This is GREAT, I am not saying it is bad or wrong, or anything like that - I am simply saying:

there's more. There's a LOT more.....

As a Lutheran school, and an "English" school - we are sincerely using the "service" of English education as a way to introduce others to Jesus and the wonderful story of Easter-Christmas and a faith-life that is possible with God. We join all of you out there in a week of prayer for these Lutheran (and this is not selective, you certainly are asked to pray for all Christian schools!).
Children holding candles to represent the light of CHRISTmas, singing songs of Jesus being born.

March 7th - 13th

Securing Each Child's Future - For a Life of Service
1 Corinthians 12: 4-6

Sunday - Isaiah 43: 1-7
Identity - Pray for the children to know they are loved and worthy and a child fo God!

Monday - Colossians 3:12-17
Put on a New Self - Pray for the children to know forgiveness, how to forgive and be thankful. Pray for them to learn songs of joy, hope, and unconditional love.

Tuesday - Matthew 19:13-15; John 15:1-5
Growing up in Faith -Pray for the children in our classes and circle of influence will be brought to Jesus. Pray for their faith life be started, encouraged, and shared with others.

Wednesday - Galatians 5:16-25
Fruit of the Spirit - Pray that each child may know his or her sin, yet be told how Jesus forgives and wants us to have a life full of: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, faitfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Thursday - John 17:20-26
Unity in Jesus, Prayer for all believers - Pray for the schools to have people (teachers, administration, staff) who will be willing to work together for the sake of the Great Commission. Thanksgiving for variety in personalities and gifts - but that those differences may be used to glorify God - not to bring division. Pray the children would grow up to know this and use it when serving others.

Friday - Ephesians 5:1-8
Armor of God - Pray that the children and many older Christians would look to God's Word, the Bible as a way to learn about, grow, and protect their faith. God has given us a great instruction booklet, pray that we use it wisely.

Saturday - 2 Timothy 1:3-10, 13-14
Be Faithful - Thank God for the many leaders, family who have gone before us. We should be thankful because they prayed for us from all of those times before. We also give thanks that we may be able to serve now. Pray for the children who will one day take our place and serve - just as Christ served us - and do it with a spirit of power, spirit of love, and a spirit of self-discipline.

Thank you for your time, your prayers, support. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or comments - please share!
In His Service,

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