Sunday, September 7, 2014

Blessed to be a Blessing

God blesses Abram (Abraham) to be a blessing to the nations. - Genesis 12:2
Giving thanks whenever we think of those relationships we have been given. - Philippians 1:1-11

Middle school students are very savvy, especially when determining truth in relationships.

Being more than aware. Being intentional about giving proper thanks to God and being intentional about sharing my blessings is a goal and desire. I have been gifted with quite a lot.  So much has been given to me in this life. When I say this, I definitely do not merely mean "gifts" due to the special occasions of birthdays and holidays. Conversely, this is certainly not limited to wealth in the sense of money and finances. I speak of gifts and wealth in the context of "riches". To me, those riches include: faith, forgiveness, education and wisdom, freedoms, and love. Then, when I take an extra moment to really reflect, I realize those all come with a very specific requirement: relationships.

God is amazing enough to have taught me the value of this wealth I have, by giving me specific relationships. And He has done that for you, too. Take a moment to consider the multitude of family, friends, teachers and other who have cared for you. Awe-inspiring, isn't it?!

My family gave me such a huge foundation and continues to be a solid support network. I must continue to be aware of the fact I have been blessed beyond what I deserve. My heart goes out to those who haven't had the ability to know the full joy of attending one or all of the following:
 - have a sit-down, "family" dinner;
 - experience a graduation party - their own or a family member's;
 - a wedding ceremony and reception with a party atmosphere, ambiance and taste of elegance;
 - have the means to simply enjoy a spur-of-the-moment barbecue.

In our world, today. No, not just in cities and neighborhoods elsewhere. In our cities, all throughout this world, there are people who desire to avoid the sound of gunshots and the screams of war, violence, and chaos. It's a real sadness to consider that people are supporting one another out of the necessity of survival.  My support came from a place of stability. My support continues to come during a time of peace and the pursuit of happiness. Let us consider, though, another man my age in another part of the world or maybe even this city. He is probably trying to take care of his family - which includes more than simply his generation. The man in his mid-30's will begin to take responsibility for others and himself. Typically this means offering some kind of help and assistance to those who raised him (parents and grandparents). Without a doubt, he now has the task of providing for himself and his own family (wife and kids). All of this takes place while he works diligently to make a name for himself so he can fully explore his dreams. It's a prayer and relief to know my God is big enough to take care of that man who is out there. God loves all of those children who are His, too. It is my prayer that the many men and women who are out there in our world today will know their role and fully see the blessings they have already been given. God has taken care of those people and families

Therefore, since God is taking care of His creation, I am left to wonder: What's my role?

What my family has given me is indeed a blessing and I need to be more like Abraham. I have had so many wonderful people in my life. What's more is that these opportunities have transcended my immediate family and I start to see how these kinds of relationships which have resulted from the unanticipated experiences which I have been called to witness. These support systems are formed because of relationships; the relationships that make are a deep, intricate, part of every culture. I consider the number of people I have been able to meet, spend time with, learn from, and in some cases help. I have been blessed to be a blessing, and so have you.

Get out there and do it.

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